What caused my PCOS? I’ve been thinking of root cause of PCOS a lot lately and truthfully, for everyone it’s different. It’s not only because of being overweight, eating too much sugar or stress but it always, always starts long before a diagnosis.
I’m sure you’ve personally experienced the connection between your hormones and your mood. 🙋♀️It’s a thing, for sure. It just so happens that estrogen, which is high during the first half of your menstrual cycle and throughout pregnancy, is directly involved with the productions of serotonin aka your feel good neurotransmitter.
It’s almost never a simple answer. One of my biggest lessons in motherhood has been the ability to hold two very different feelings at the same time. “I love you with all my heart AND I just want 3 days to myself to especially not see you.”
What caused my PCOS? I’ve been thinking of root cause of PCOS a lot lately and truthfully, for everyone it’s different. It’s not only because of being overweight, eating too much sugar or stress but it always, always starts long before a diagnosis.
I have this conversation all the time in my office. It’s often the only option that is presented to a lot of women and it’s certainly the first so it’s like a major act of rebellion to choose that the pill or IUD is no longer the right option for you. On top of that, if you’ve been on hormonal birth control for some time, it might take some time and a little extra intention to bring your body back into balance.
I’m seeing a vast majority of client virtually these days and I’ve had a lot of questions about what it’s like to meet virtually, rather than in-person.
First of all, now is such a great time to address your health because there is an amazing opportunity to slow down right now. With as much conflicting information as there is out there, having a guide to individualize a plan that is made for you specifically is so, so important.